Townsville Bulletin

QLD needs to get working again ASAP. People need jobs! This economy needs to get moving again or we are stuffed as a state. TONTO, MT LOUISA


Police are happy to charge and take to court some bloke just doing his job, but let kiddy crims run rampant.

Something is really rotten in Queensland. DAVE, BUSHY BEACH

Citizens of North Queensland do you remember the Cat in the Hat series of books by Dr Seuss? If you do,you will recall the statement by the cat, “I know some good games we can play”, and I know some good tricks I can play on some gullible people. I can dress up as a cowboy in a stetson hat create my own political party and hoodwink the public for years and years on false promises and wild statements whilst taking money for non-deliveries, i.e. lets talk about the Bradfield Scheme and the building of dams before every election. The Katter party looks like a cat in the hat to me, or maybe a slick snake oil salesman what do you think fellow citizens?


The leader of NQ First declared he would run candidates from “Calliope to the Cape” but there hasn’t been much in terms of new candidates coming on board. What’s happening? DEE, CASTLE HILL

Townsville is a strange place. Every time anyone wants to do anything progressiv­e here, action groups quickly organise to stop the project. Then they whine about the high unemployme­nt and lack of opportunit­ies in the region. Time to drop the utopian fantasies and adopt cold, hard reality — new jobs require a place for people to work. JEFF, CONDON

Bruce Highway delays expected in the B. What’s changed in the last five yrs? It is a neverendin­g project from Ingham to Townsville with the relentless roadworks and speed limit changes down to 80kmh. The thing is that the piece of road finished today will have to be redone in 5 yrs time. It appears we can’t build roads to last in NQ. SAM, 4850

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