Townsville Bulletin


Hang on, hang on, hang on Aaron Harper, you said that the doctors and nurses have kept us safe from COVID-19 during the pandemic. Now, which is it? I thought it was Super Anna Palaszczuk who single handily kept us safe and relatively Covid free. RON KELS

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CBA logo looked like a SAO dipped in Vegemite. Now they have dipped it in peanut butter. CRIS WULGURU.

As the Green party is calling for free public transport in Queensland, perhaps they should also tell us, where is the money going to come from, to pay the wages of the workers and how are they going to pay for the upkeep of the buses, trains and ferries. Please enlighten us. MG 4814 Why is Queensland the only state without a budget? What are you hiding? DW WULGURU

Harper pulling out an article from eight years ago having a shot at the LNP while defending Labor’s record on crime and what he has delivered for Townsville was laughable. After five long years Harper is lots of bark but no bite JR 4810 Azza 4812. Is it sort of jealousy with you people against Deb Freckleton, first we had someone saying if she won the election the party would dump her for Campbell Newman even though he’s not a MLA and now you with her being replaced by David Crissafull­i. Can’t wait to see her prove you all wrong. REB KELSO

Here we go again. The Premier hiring more health workers. Queensland Health is the third largest healthcare system in the country yet we have the longest waiting lists. Patients are waiting six months for elective surgery. When the Premier says she will hire more health workers she is not refering to nurses or doctors, she means admin staff who spend their days making waiting lists numbers look palatable. LEIGH 4814 Jack Annandale. No one is denying that these days, women can place their little ones in well run daycare centres. However, many children are put in daycare from six weeks of age, until they are old enough to start is a well known fact, that these children spend more waking hours with the person looking after them at day care, than their parent/parents. When they no longer attend daycare, it is a well known fact, they fret for their care givers. Whether women work full or part time for financial reasons, there are many on benefits who don’t go out to work, and yet are happy to put their child into care, because they want “me time”, and the taxpayer funds it. ELOISE BELGIAN GARDENS 4810.

I notice in the paper, TV and ads dropped in letter boxes, where the Labor Party warn about job losses if the LNP is elected. I wonder why the same party don’t mention how in the past they broke up QR to form Qrnational, then sold it, along with other assets. No mention on how they have run the state into debt for god knows how many billions. MALCOLM, MT LOUISA How come pensioners in NSW don’t pay rego or for their licence? It just cost me $115 for two years. Something needs to be changed for seniors in Qld. It would be a start. L.G.WULGURU.

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