Townsville Bulletin


- MELISSA MEIER Melissa Meier is a Sydney-based accredited practicing dietitian. You can connect with her on Instagram @honest_nutrition

If you’re on a weight-loss crusade, chances are you’ve thought a lot about what you usually eat, and what you’d like to change.

My hot tip, however, is to broaden your focus to include what you sip on, too. That’s because fluids can contain a surprising number of calories – and if you’re not mindful of them, they can easily hinder your attempts to lose weight (or even lead to weight gain).


Aside from water and plain milkbased drinks, I’d classify most other options as “sometimes” sips.

They’re usually calorie-dense thanks to tonnes of added sugar and offer few important nutrients.

I’m talking about soft drink, takeaway smoothies, alcohol and even fruit juice in large quantities.

Popular sips ranked by calories

To give you some context, the average energy intake is 2080 calories. If you’re trying to lose weight, that number drops to roughly 1500 calories.

Obviously, a couple of hundred calories here and there spent on fluids isn’t really a big deal – but it becomes an issue when you’re guzzling multiple different calorieden­se fluids throughout the day.

Here’s a list of popular sips, ranked from lowest to highest calories:

Water: 0 calories

Black coffee (250mls): 4 calories Black tea (250ml): 4 calories

Tea with a splash (30ml) of fullcream milk: 24 calories

Tea with a splash (30ml) of full cream milk and one sugar: 43 calories

Champagne (150ml): 105 calories

Small flat white on light milk: 112 calories

Beer (330ml): 113 calories

Red Bull (250ml): 116 calories Red wine (150ml): 116 calories Rosé (150ml): 119 calories Lemonade (375ml can): 120 calories

Powerade ION4 Berry Ice (600ml): 149 calories

Cola (375ml can): 151 calories Small flat white on full-cream milk (290ml): 158 calories

Small flat white on full-cream milk with one sugar (290ml): 177 calories

Homemade banana smoothie (one cup of light milk and one banana): 252 calories

Freshly squeezed orange juice (600ml): 256 calories

Boost Juice Mango Magic (medium): 336 calories

Cha Time Premium Pearl Milky Iced Tea (large): 478 calories

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