Townsville Bulletin



I ALSO attended the Voluntary Assisted Dying Public Hearing in Townsville on Monday the 12th of July, 2021, as did Bishop Harris.

Of those who spoke, over 80 per cent were in favour of VAD with the rest of the speakers against it. However, these numbers represent what all polls have indicated in the past and that’s why the Health Committee, chaired by Member for Thuringowa, Aaron Harper, are doing their utmost to introduce VAD into Queensland. They have listened to the people throughout Queensland and have acted upon it.

I know Bishop Harris would have wanted to hear something different at the hearing but most of the speakers had sad, harrowing stories to tell the committee of how their loved ones suffered at the end of their lives when they had no choice. Not everyone has a good dignified death and if and when VAD is legislated in Queensland, all those who are terminally ill, if they meet the criteria, will have a choice. At present, they have none.

One of the speakers Bishop Harris referred to in his letter mentioned how a horse was euthanised after being badly injured in a racing accident. Bishop Harris missed the point the lady was making that it is more humane to relieve the animal’s suffering when there is no hope of recovery, than let it continue to suffer in agony. It shows great compassion and love for an animal when we put it down so that it doesn’t suffer longer than it needs to.

I agree with Bishop Harris that human life is very precious, but Voluntary Assisted Dying is not putting anyone down. Please don’t think that VAD does that. Until now, we have given terminally ill patients no choice at the end of their lives and it is because of VAD, that they themselves will finally have control over when, where and if they want to end their life when they can’t tolerate their unbearable pain and suffering any longer. People don’t want to die but if a person is not healthy and enjoying life, that’s a different story.

Yes, human life is very precious and dying is a natural part of life but why should we suffer at the end of it? We all deserve a peaceful dignified death and VAD will give it to us. We must make one thing clear and that is VAD is VOLUNTARY. No one else decided it for you. It is your decision alone and after serious considerat­ion, you are the one to decide.

I know Bishop Harris is against it and he, like everyone else, will have a choice. It will not be compulsory. It is not for everyone but we must give everyone a choice and that is what the Health Committee is doing.

I also would like to see more money going towards palliative care. Those dedicated people working in the industry are doing a wonderful job but regardless of the amount of money spent on improving palliative care, there will always be some people whose condition just cannot be relieved and it is these people who want to access VAD.


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