Townsville Bulletin

Sixty years to close the gap


RESEARCHER­S have found the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and nonIndigen­ous Australian­s is reducing but it still may take 60 years to close completely.

James Cook University’s Professor Ian Ring and Dr Kalinda Griffiths from the University of NSW said latest research showed promising trends with important implicatio­ns for Australia as a whole.

“The difference in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-indigenous people declined by 26 per cent for men and 21 per cent for women, but the gap neverthele­ss remained considerab­le at 15.4 years for both sexes,” Professor Ring said.

He said Indigenous health data from the NT is generally regarded as the most accurate in Australia and it showed life expectancy at birth increased from 56.6 to 65.6 years for Indigenous men, and from 64.8 to 69.7 years for Indigenous women.

“The first implicatio­n is that closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous people and other Australian­s is not a utopian dream, but an achievable aim,” he said.

“The second and equally important implicatio­n, however, is that at that rate, it would still take at least another 60 years before the gap is completely closed.”

Professor Ring said a recent government health performanc­e framework report documented a total of 1350 avoidable deaths of Indigenous people in the NT from 2014 to 2018, at a rate four times as high as for nonIndigen­ous Territoria­ns.

“If life expectancy for Indigenous people is to reach the same level as for other Australian­s, broader social and economic problems – including housing, education, and interactio­ns with the justice system – require much more attention,” he said.

“But importantl­y, utilisatio­n of the major health service schemes must be optimised by identifyin­g service gaps in health care.”

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