Townsville Bulletin




1 Entice (5)

4 Intelligen­tly alert and lively (6,2,1,6)


15 Foot lever (5)

16 Television or radio advertisem­ent (10)

17 Winning (5)

19 Pair (3)

20 Down-payment (7)

21 Political party’s declaratio­n of policy (9)

22 Cooking instructio­ns


25 Instant (9)

27 Boredom (6)

28 Stand up for (6)

33 Windy and indirect (10)

35 Australian bird (3)

36 Fermented fodder (6)

37 Window ledge (4)

39 Bite (3)

41 Evolve (7)

42 Yacht harbour (6)

43 Light social conversati­on (5,4)

44 Looks after (5)

45 Meant (8) 50 Friendly greeting (2)

51 Running race (8)

55 Hawaiian greeting (5)

58 Talked into (9)

59 Spoiled (6)

60 In sight (7)

61 Spinning toy (3)

63 Road division (4)

64 Clan (6)

65 Queer (3)

66 Ill luck (10)

68 Vital gas (6)

69 Cleric (6)

71 Payments to shareholde­rs (9)

76 Meat pin (6)

77 Trial model (9)

79 Depict (7)


84 Of the sun (5)

85 Oral examinatio­ns for job applicants (10)

86 Ape (5)

87 Task (5)

88 Nothing at all (5,5,5)

89 Prepared (5)


2 Cricket team (6)

3 Keyboard instrument (5)

5 Mob violence (4)

6 Athlete on bars, beam, vaulting horse, etc (7)

7 Creamy-white root vegetable (6)


9 Be dealt (anag)(7)

10 Rip (4)

11 Unlocked (6)

12 Digging tool (5)

13 Loyal (7)

14 Fan (7)

18 Probabilit­y of a

23 Flier (5)

24 Sword (7)

26 Broad-bladed large knife (7)

27 Huge long sea wave (7)

29 Tomb inscriptio­n (7)

30 Homing bird (6)

31 Lukewarm (5)

32 Large tropical lizard (6)

34 Minor quarrel (4)

36 Backbone (5) 23/6

38 Compare (5)

40 Begging request (4)

45 Drive forward (5)

46 Despotism (7)

47 Common sense (4)

48 Cause to be loved (6)

49 Swag (5)

50 Spear (7)

52 Large horned animal (10)

53 Polluted (7)

54 Rectangula­r (6)

55 Looked up to (7)

56 Dizzy (5)

57 Girder (4)

62 Meat jelly (5)

67 Back (7)

68 Crime (7)

70 Welsh city (7)

72 Suggested indirectly


73 Roar (6)

74 Tempestuou­s (6)

75 Diverse (6)

76 Sailing vessel (5)

78 Giant (5)

80 Garden string (5)

82 Accurate (4)

83 Move through water (4)

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