Townsville Bulletin

Easy ways to update your dining room


Does your dining room look a tad univiting these days? Here DUH VRPH FOHYHU DQG FRVW H㑅HFWLYH ways to update your dining space that doesn’t mean overhaulin­g the entire room.

Table decor

Your table decor can have a big impact on your overall dining vibes and with a few thoughtful touches here and there LW FDQ PDNH DOO WKH GL㑅HUHQFH $ textured linen table runner, new napkins and a modern centrepiec­e will lift the luxury of your dining space. So would the inclusion of candles, vases and or decorative fruit bowls. Flowers are a warm addition but the dollars add up having to buy fresh all the time. &RQVLGHU HYHUODVWLQ­J ÀRUDOV VXFK as grasses, branches, cottons and GULHG ÀRZHUV LQVWHDG EX\ RQFH and they will always look great.


Buying a new dining setting can be a costly exercise depending on table size and the number of chairs you need. There DUH KRZHYHU VRPH D㑅RUGDEOH alternativ­es, for example second KDQG EH LW YLD D VHFRQG KDQG furniture store or online at Buy Search Sell. You could update your entire dining suite or a PRUH FRVW H㑅HFWLYH RSWLRQ LV MXVW new chairs. You could even try upcycling your dining chairs by sanding them back and sealing WKHP ZLWK D QHZ FOHDU ¿QLVK Decor these days doesn’t have to be perfectly matched either, so have fun mixing up your setting ZLWK GL㑅HUHQW FKDLUV %HQFK VHDWV are another eclectic way to add more seating for less.


Whether you’re dining alone, with friends or with the kids, no one likes the harshness of ÀXRUHVFHQW OLJKWV ,QVWHDG UHSODFH with pendant lights, downlights RU HYHQ FDQGOHV FDQ R㑅HU D softer alternativ­e. Heavy window furnishing­s can block natural light, so think of updating your interiors to allow as much natural light in as possible. There are many creative ways to improve the lighting and mood in your GLQLQJ URRP MXVW UHPHPEHU WR contact a licensed electricia­n for any installati­on works.


Double the size of your dining space instantly by adding D PLUURU 1RW RQO\ ZLOO LW UHÀHFW more light it will also make your dining space feel a lot more spacious. Grab a mirror as big as your space will allow or you could hang a matching pair or trio for symmetry.

Weekend pancakes with the family, romantic dinner for two, game nights or adult GLQQHU SDUWLHV DUH MXVW VRPH RI the memorable moments that take place in our dining rooms. So if yours is looking old and dreary, or you’re in the mood for something new, it’s time to get the vision board out and start planning.

 ?? ?? You will have everyone arriving at the table before you even say “Dinners ready!”
You will have everyone arriving at the table before you even say “Dinners ready!”

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