Townsville Bulletin


Inspired by all things bony, brainy and skull-like, Murky Waters Studio is getting into the spirit of all things Halloween with its exhibition, Skulldugge­ry.


Group shows are a lot of fun as you never know what you’ll get

WithHallow­een just around the corner, there is SKULLDUGGE­RY afoot at Murky Waters Studio.

SKULLDUGGE­RY [sic] is an exhibition inspired by skulls, brain-boxes and all things bony. “Artists from across the Townsville region were invited to participat­e and create work inspired by the title with over 50 artists responding and being exhibited,” Murky Waters’ Michael Pope (pictured right) said.

“Group shows are a lot of fun as you never know what you’ll get.

“That said, there are a lot of artists within the Townsville region whose work often contains skulls and darker themes, Rob Douma and Rob Donaldson come to mind, and skulls are so ubiquitous in art as subject matter.”

The theme has clearly been inspiring as there’s an eclectic group of works ranging from the truly terrifying to quite quirky and cute.

“Some artists have interprete­d the theme through vanitas and memento mori themes,” Pope said.

“That is to say, a reminder that the pleasures in life are fleeting, to consider the life you are leading and remember that you will one day die and be judged for this; a popular theme, especially in the Netherland­s during the 16th and 17th centuries.”

There are drawings of skulls, mosaics, lino prints and even some little mice digging into a skull to harvest the brains (presumably).

Whilst there are some scary skeletons under the bed on some of the pieces, for the most part, SKULLDUGGE­RY is bright and quirky.

SKULLDUGGE­RY is open on Sundays until October 30 from 9am to noon at Murky Waters Studio in Townsville city.

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