Townsville Bulletin

Text the Editor


Burkey TB 4/4 I agree the Libs seem to have lost touch with the mood of the electorate and now Dutton and Team LNP will lose more seats like Aston because the have not supported the Voice. they have a lot to learn!! Duncan 19/39 Bundock Street Belgian Gardens

Just curious about donald Trump if he is found guilty and given a prison sentence , Can he still run for president From his prison cell and claim he’s working from home . Blu kirwan

Message to the Qld government leave the people at happy valley alone they have been there for decades. We are such a nanny state, listen to their voice. Kath Wulguru

Once again big projects with huge financial potential are earmarked for Lansdown 40km south-west of Townsville. Now, yes right now, start the infrastruc­ture for these projects, roads, water, power etc, not AFTER the projects begin constructi­on. PLANNING is essential. M J Reynolds Mt Louisa RE BARRY LOWE about the crime in Townsville, the only thing the premier is worried about is the olympic games, which no body wants but HER.RUSTY KIRWAN. When will the Police be issued with Bushmaster vehicles to allow them to take on these cop ramming young juvenile criminals... Texter, Townvsilll­e

It was jolly decent of terrorists to not commit any acts of terrorism during the Covid years 2020 and 2021 and not to compete with the Covid headlines. Chloe

Steve wherever you are. It is the Labor government who wants super to invest in renewables and social infrastruc­ture they also want to tax tax tax super. It was the Coalition who allowed us to access super during the unpreceden­ted pandemic to be used to pay the mortgage. Some stupidly spent it on frivolitie­s. Smart people will salary sacrifice to top up what was taken out. Smarter people will salary sacrifice to add more so as to provide for a better future. Some unfortunat­ely will do neither and expect the government to look after them. You just can’t help stupid. Danny Mount Louisa

Paris recently held a citywide referendum on whether or not to ban e-scooter rentals in the city. Nearly 90% of people voted for a ban. Something for Townsville to consider? HJL Townsville

Bruce Highway action needed. Letter to editor by Dr Tracy Cheffins 4.04.33. Unless you have lost a family member or know someone who has in an horrific car/vehicle accident on the Bruce deathway you will not be concerned about this issue. Government prioritise olympic games and southern interests above this death toll. Let us hope it does not take a head on bus crash or worse to prompt action to urgently rectify this highway neglect. Brendan Bell Rasmussen 4815.

A quote from Albert Einstein. “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interactio­n. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Mg 4814

Any chance of making the type on the letters and texts page bigger? My old eyes are struggling with the new size. Jean 4812

Send your messages for publicatio­n to 0416 905 531, and make sure to include your name and suburb.

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