Townsville Bulletin

Text the Editor


If I put a vehicle for sale on grassed area beside the road the council will leave a note to move it must not apply to Aaron Harper truck MARTYMTLOU­ISSA I wholeheart­edly agree with LG Wulguru and Davo of Heatley. Wait for it every naysayer will be labelled a racist.

This is becoming more decisive than anything I have ever seen or heard before. ADELE MYSTERTON

I read in the Bulletin that we have a critical youth housing crisis. Why did we build a new stadium. These funds could have built youth housing. But no doubt Johnathan and his supporters can house some of these homeless youths in their big homes. FRED PIMLICO

Is it a bird, is it a plane flying over Cairns? Or is it (A) Vlad Putin looking for a new home in exile in the Pacific before the inevitable coup in Russia (B) A Chinese weather (spy) balloon (C) A multi million dollar ballistic missile from impoverish­ed North Korea (D) An F18 stolen from RAAF base Townsville by a group of juvenile car thieves (E) The first arrival from outer space for this year’s Cardwell UFO Festival. PEDRO CRANBROOK

I saw Townsville on the Project 9th April about the crime in this town. I went to Dan Murphy’s today about 1pm there were 3 adult people in the shop obviously stealing the staff did everything they could. But they grabbed a 12 pack of Jim beam and just walked out of the store like nothing was wrong. The staff can’t touch them it’s bull shit that these people do what ever they want because they get away with it. ANDREW MUNDINGBUR­RA

If Aussies vote no to Albo’s racebased voice, Marcia Langton says we’ll get no more “welcome to countries” and Noel Pearson says he’ll shut up permanentl­y. I call that a win-win situation! WOZ, PARRAMATTA PARK

Why is it that those in the left are the only ones who are allowed to have an opinion? RON KELSO. The young get their news from Tiktok and Instagram. The middle-aged get theirs from Telegram and Twitter. Us oldies get ours from Facebook and corporate media. Cutting the space for our opinions – again – just alienates us and reduces profits. But it’s not about money anymore, is it – it’s about mind control. We see you. We know what you’re doing. The power you think you have will be taken by those above you. HIGGS, THURINGOWA

Always remember the POLITICIAN­S and elites were exempt from the vaccine mandates.

The COMMON people were forced, coerced, shamed, sacked, and locked out of society. There has to be a Royal Commission into the abuse of power that disregarde­d our human rights, while they kept theirs and then punished any dissent. JAN 4811

Re The Voice. Have you noticed the absence of Indigenous representa­tion from remote communitie­s. It appears to be all about well off part Indigenous city dwellers. Warren Mundine says the same. SNOW.

Send your messages for publicatio­n to 0416 905 531, and make sure to include your name and suburb.

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