Townsville Bulletin

Hate group disbands

Local neo-nazi thugs say they have been ‘compromise­d’

- Blair Jackson A message posted to the Telegram chat of Townsville Free Corps

A Townsville group that posted neo-nazi posters in 2020 but remained active online is understood to have disbanded after being compromise­d.

The Townsville Free Corps plastered printouts around the city in 2020 with messages such as “white youths patrol this area for your security”.

Their posters used symbols which were adopted by Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

The group’s chat on messaging app Telegram had 144 subscriber­s as of April 24 when it was announced the group were compromise­d and officially disbanding.

The Townsville Bulletin signed up to the Telegram chat to keep tabs on the group.

“The Townsville Free Corps is compromise­d. The Townsville Free Corps is officially disbanded and will no longer continue operation in any capacity,” the message said.

“All Townsville Free Corps affiliated material must be destroyed immediatel­y.”

The message went on to tell subscriber­s not to panic, “we are sorry” and to lay low for a while. “We have done everything possible to protect each and every one of you from the start.

“The sun will rise soon and we will try again.”

In the days before the message was posted, subscriber­s were told not to travel outside Queensland and that it was time to “return home and defend the fortress”.

“Members of the Townsville Free Corps residing or travelling outside of Queensland must return home immediatel­y,” a message said.

“After the 25th of April, 2023, the Townsville Free Corps will no longer offer any services or support to it’s members outside of Queensland.”

A bill introduced by the Queensland Attorney-general in March could result in six month’s jail for displaying a Nazi-linked symbol.

If a crime is motivated by hate, that would be an aggravatin­g factor under the new laws.

Images on the Free Corps’ posters included symbols adopted by Nazi Germany’s Waffen-ss combat branch and fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

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