Townsville Bulletin



Sadly, Australia must be the laughing stock of the world right now.

We have wall to wall Labor, thanks to preferenti­al voting, and now our Premiers and even the P.M. are making sly, tax funded trips to China, presumably, like the Pacific Island nations and many African countries, to beg the Chinese Communist party to fund our economies.

It is becoming obvious that these so-called leaders are clueless about managing an economy, so they beg someone else to bail them out.

Sad, when our country has stooped as low as other failed nations.

To add insult to injury, a female politician who attended a rally to call for women to be respected is banned from her party, because some other people gatecrashe­d the rally, despite there being no links to the ones who did the damage. On the other hand, we have a senator who is blatantly racist and who obviously despises the country she is supposed to represent, and is treated with kid gloves by her party. This woman is more European than Aboriginal, yet appears to despise her own background.

On the flip side, we have a senator who has lived in the real world and is trying to speak out about the problems her people face, regularly attacked and vilified by the ones who don’t even understand what is happening in the real world.

Some time ago, we had a Prime Minister who was ridiculed by other politician­s for wearing budgie smugglers, despite that fact that he was a genuine part time lifesaver and a genuine firefighte­r.

Later, another P.M. was praised for wearing “sensible” swimming togs, this is despite the fact that this P.M. was overweight and chubby.

When certain sides of politics attack genuine people who contribute to our country, yet praise the ones who are obviously false, you have to ask the question.

If these people can only survive through lies and deceit, doesn’t it tell you that we have a serious problem?

Time to wake up and stand up, before we become slaves in our own country.


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