Trail Run Magazine



Oh my gawd! I say as I clench my jaw…how painful is that chafe after a race, and you literally feel the slow burn as you hop into the shower?

Nothing could be worse after that high of crossing the finish line, celebratin­g with mates…and then BAM! It hits you like a second-degree burn, and then when you finally do dry off, don't even think about clapping those thighs together at any point while walking from kitchen to lounge.

Squirrel's Nut Butter was a purchase-product of mine on a whim. My old chafe cream had run out, and I'd heard through the grapevine quite a lot of good things about SNB so whilst online shopping for (more) running gear, I picked up an All Natural Stick and sat by the mailbox until my bundle arrived.

At first smell, SNB didn't have a sweet aroma to sell itself on. The brand markets itself as a product that works, and the fact that it doesn't try to sell you on how flowery or aromatic it is sold me on the fact that it does what it's made to do. And it darn well does.

Made with only four ingredient­s – coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax and vitamin E oil – SNB

All Natural Anti-Chafe Salve works amazingly day in and day out on my inner thighs, while during training or races I've used it under my sports bra and in places where my hydro-pack might rub.

The vegan version has no beeswax in it, by the way, and I hear it works wonders for eczema.


RRP All Natural Stick $27.95 AUD

RRP All Natural Tub $29.95 AUD

RRP All Natural Vegan Blend Stick $27.95 AUD SQUIRRELSN­UTBUTTER.COM.AU

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