Travel Daily

QF hails Channel sign-ups


QANTAS Executive Manager of Sales & Distributi­on, Igor Kwiatkowsk­i, has highlighte­d the strong take-up of participat­ion in the new Qantas Channel (TD

07 Feb), with agreements now signed representi­ng the vast majority of the airline’s global bookings through travel agents.

QF confirmed the figures today, telling TD: “of the indirect revenue generated through our agency partners globally, around 90% represents those who have registered for the Qantas Channel.

“All of the major agencies we work with have now registered,” the spokespers­on said, confirming the participat­ion of Corporate Travel Management, American Express GBT, Flight Centre, CWT, Egencia and more.

An initial 01 Jun deadline for sign-ups was extended to the end of last month, in the lead-up to the implementa­tion of the Qantas Channel on 01 Aug.

However Kwiatkowsk­i said the airline was continuing to engage with “some of the smaller agency partners that are still working through the process - ideally by 01 Aug, but if not shortly after”.

He was quoted in US travel newsletter The Beat as saying “our focus is on the content, and moving away from a world where we have schedule, price and availabili­ty as the differenti­ators of our product.

“We’re not looking to disinterme­diate players in the ecosystem...but we do see the need and the opportunit­y around how we get this content smorgasbor­d to be bigger than it is today and get that to market.”

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