Unique Cars

Someone needsds a hug…


Gee you won’t let up on this red motor in an EJ Holden. You’ve had a few people who reckon that they k new of one, but no documentat­ion/ photos or such! We who don’t believe t hat t here ever was one don’t need to prove t hat, you need to prove t hat it did ex ist.

I don’t believe it as, li ke ever yone who doesn’t believe it, no one has ever seen one or seen any documentat­ion/photos to prove any dif ferent. You made the stupid assumption and now you are grabbing at straws to save embarrassm­ent and ridicule. Also, stop using your position to only try to just if y your silly comment and publish the other comments of t hose t hat don’t agree with yours. Looking for ward to a reply. Greg Hodgins, Email.

DUDE, CALM down. Big breaths now. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that magazines like this one, and columns like mine, are meant to be fun. You don’t agree with the statements made by some of the readers? That’s fine, my man. But please don’t burst a clacker-valve because some of the rest of the world doesn’t agree with you.

You’re right in that nobody has yet been able to produce any dealer’s paperwork, sales slip, a photograph or any other proof that the odd EJ Holden escaped the Holden factory with a red motor on board. But there’s a whole bunch of people out there who’ve never seen God’s desk diary, yet are happy to credit Him (or Her) with creating the whole damn world. Surely, you’d reckon there’d be a few quotes from landscaper­s or the odd Bunnings invoice lying around somewhere. I mean, big job, building a universe.

Anyways, I’m going to disagree with you on the matter of me clutching at straws by publishing sightings from readers of this fine family magazine. After all, the subject was red-motored EJs and people clearly want to discuss it. So what am I supposed to do? Not publish their responses and thoughts because it might upset you? By the way, Champ, as of this moment, I’ve had four sightings of red-motored EJs from readers and only one bloke who has disagreed strongly enough to write in and berate me for having an open mind (that’s you, in case you were wondering). The point being that I would have happily published the comments of those who so vehemently disagree with the notion, but, you aside, there haven’t actually been any.

It must be a tough gig; being the only bloke in the entire world who knows what he’s talking about.

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