Unique Cars



“WHEN WE WENT to the farewell Ford day at Geelong, I saw the EB GT there and fell in love with it,” explains Rachel. “I always liked the EBs – my Dad had one.”

James agrees. “I’ve pretty much grown up with EAs, EBs and the Fairlanes. I’ve always loved the Fairmont Ghias and GTs and then we saw this one. “We’ve been chasing this one for a fair while. It had to be this colour, manual, with sunroof, which is a rare combinatio­n.” Rachel suspects only six were made in that configurat­ion.

“We found this one with the predeliver­y plastic still on the seats – it’s virtually a new car,” says James. It has just 27,700km on the odo. “It’s a nice quiet V8 – a nice comfortabl­e car – not overly firm. If you give it a bit of a squirt it will kick sideways and makes a nice noise,” says James.

What’s their buying advice? “We weren’t looking for a daily driver, but something to store and look at and take out on special occasions.” They have other cars to knock about in. Interior plastics can fade and crack, so it can pay to pay attention. Rachel advises you need to weigh up what you want in a car – is it a regular user, or a collectibl­e?

“At the end of the day it’s a Falcon, so you can drive it and the parts are available,” says James.

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