Unique Cars



EVER WANDER out to the shed to take the classic toy for a run and suddenly realise you forgot to put the battery on the charger? Now in an ideal world you have a battery tender for every transport of delight in the shed, but for some of us that simply isn’t realistic.

So the next best option is to whack on the charging device and go and make a cup of tea. Maybe leave a bit later. How much? Ah, that’s the tricky bit.

It seems like someone over at Ctek has had a think about this and come up with a solution for folk like me who stand around hopping from one foot to another, wondering when we can go.

The gadget is called the CT5 and does all the usual thing a charger cum battery tender is supposed to do. In addition, it can tell you how long to fully charged, and even flashes up a lamp when it reckons you can get away with having a quick stab of the starter.

I’ve been running it on the mighty Kingswood for several weeks and it seems to work as advertised. One note: you need to wait a few seconds until the charger gets a proper ‘read’ on the battery. Initially it’s pessimisti­c and soon settles down to a realistic estimate.

Ctek does a huge range of charging gear and I’ve been running another of its models for a few years without fuss. Worth a look at $169 retial.

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