VOGUE Living Australia


Sydney-based Australian designer Heidi Middleton on the things she loves


1. AZZARO DRESS I found this 1980s couture dress on a trip to Florence this year. It’s from one of my favourite vintage clothing shops called Albrici Antichità Firenze. When I wear it I feel feminine and strong. 2. MICHÈLE DESTARAC I love the organised chaos of Destarac’s art — it feels timeless to me and despite its age feels very modern and relevant. 3. MY DAUGHTERS India- Grace and Elke-Bay are my ‘ happiest place’ on Earth. Doing my daughters’ hair is one of my biggest joys, whether it’s French braids, topknots or a simple messy chignon with a big velvet bow. 4. MOROCCAN TEACUPS I cherish these marble-and-brass teacups — they were a wedding gift from my favourite aunt to my parents in the ’60s. PEONIES transport me to another time. 5. I love observing every stage of their life; their beauty transcends. OSTUNI, PUGLIA This is a photo taken at a trullo we stayed in. 6. I love the contrast of the simple Greek-inspired architectu­re against the Baroque Italian detailing. PERFUME I love Splash 7. Orange Amère by Astier de Villatte. It makes me think of old Italian hotels, lemon trees, clean summer sun- kissed skin and the best of old- school European vacations. YSL SATCHEL 8. HANDBAG People think it’s vintage but I bought it in Paris two years ago. I will definitely hand this on to my girls, as it is timeless and precious. MY VIEW from the bedroom terrace in Palm 9. Beach is an oasis of calm and beauty. We’ve lived here for 12 years now and it never ceases to please me. MAKING ART One of the 10. things that pleases me most is creating collage through a mixture of mediums, mostly photograph­y, painting, mixed metals and typography. This is a piece I made while in Sicily last year. VL @bidemiddle­ton

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