Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Reprint for popular history


Set at the bottom of a deep valley, the town of Walhalla haunts the memory of those who have lived there and visitors alike.

John Aldersea went to live there as an eightyear-old and returned in his 50s. Over the years he became the custodian of many family stories about the once thriving gold mining town.

In 2003, with his partner, Barbara Hood, he wrote and published Walhalla: Valley of Gold.

The book has been out of print for several years. Now, in response to many requests, they have reprinted their very readable local history.

At almost 300 pages, with many photos, the book has three sections: people, places and mines, which includes the names of the miners employed by the Long Tunnel Gold Mining Company from 1872-1915.

Ms Hood said John’s associatio­n with Walhalla went back to 1945, when his family moved from Melbourne to Walhalla, then with a population of about 60.

“His formative years were spent there, which is why he has such a knowledge of people and places.”

The original plan was that his mother would open the general store while his father was going to make a fortune finding gold, although that never quite worked out.

Aged eight, and without friends his own age, John struck up a friendship with a man called Jacky Reynolds who was born in Walhalla, had gone to war and returned to live there.

“Everywhere that Jacky Reynolds went, little John was close behind.

In 1951, John and his brother needed a secondary education and their father needed a job, and they left Walhalla.

John went on to work for the SEC in the Latrobe Valley but always maintained his associatio­n with Walhalla.

In the 1990s, he built a holiday house there and went back to live in Walhalla in 1998, six weeks before electricit­y reached the town.

When Barbara – now his partner – met him in the 1990s, she was intrigued by his knowledge and collection of historical material.

“He had these two boxes, one of research, one of photos. He kept saying ‘I’ll do something about them one day’.”

Visitors with queries, including journalist­s, were sent to John for more informatio­n. As a result of articles in magazines and newspapers, people often sent him their family stories of Walhalla, and many of these are included in the book.

At the urging of the secretary of the Walhalla Heritage League, Valma Plant, and with Barb’s assistance, he finally put it down on paper and Walhalla: Valley of Gold was published in 2003.

Ms Hood said it contained the stories of some of the people who had an influence on Walhalla and also many of the ordinary miners and their families.

Walhalla: Valley of Gold costs $49.95 and is available from Need to Read, Warragul, in Walhalla. Inquiries: email walhallapu­blishing@gmail.com or 0409 048 469.

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