Warragul & Drouin Gazette

For better or verse


Imagine getting up in front of a roomful of strangers and telling them your innermost thoughts.

If that thought doesn’t terrify you – and perhaps even if it does – you could be just the sort of person Wayne Pollard is looking for to read at Drouin’s next poetry reading on Saturday afternoon.

Mr Pollard started the bimonthly poetry reading at the French Pear Café last year to give local poets a venue to share their poetry.

He says they need readers (or reciters) as well as listeners.

Some people read their own poetry, others read work by other poets, anything from Australian bush poetry to anthology standards.

Mr Pollard says it can be scary reading to strangers but it can also be cathartic.

“If the poetry comes from the heart, as it should do, then to have that meaning accepted by others is quite empowering.”

He will read his own work, recently published in a zine called Thoughts of a Tired Mind designed by local artist Helen Timbury.

“I’m not a very good reader but I’m getting better. I used to look at my shoes but I’m starting to look at the audience now.”

He promises a warm, safe and welcoming atmosphere.

Poetry at the French Pear Café, Drouin, 3pm on Saturday. Entry is free.

 ??  ?? Wayne Pollard: “Reading your poetry to others can be scary but cathartic.”
Wayne Pollard: “Reading your poetry to others can be scary but cathartic.”

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