Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Warragul evening branch of CWA


Branch members have had yet another busy month visiting and supporting other Latrobe Central Group Branches with their special events.

Many hands made light work at the Drouin Lions Club Garden Expo with the public patiently waiting for hot scones to come directly out of the ovens, served with jam, cream and tea or coffee.

The Lardner committee are to upgrade the kitchen and CWA certainly hope that they get new stoves too, to help cope with the demand.

Two Bunnings barbecues have been held during the past 12 months. The CWA thank the public for their support in its ventures.

The CWA have allocated its donations for the past year helping local charities as well as the CWA welfare and emergency funds. These funds assist members and non-members in the time of need. One member recently lost her home to fire and $1000 was in the mail the next day to assist.

Sixty-nine art smocks were made for the children of Vanuatu, which were requested after their recent floods.

Knitted baby clothes have been taken to Clayton Monash, and hand knitted premature baby clothes were given to the West Gippsland Hospital maternity ward.

Thirty beanies were gratefully received by the local Ambulance group.

Old reading and sun glasses no longer in use have gone to Melbourne to be given to the local Lions Club, who in turn upgrade them and donate to those less unable to buy their own.

Other goods too numerous to mention have been regularly been made, knitted, sewn and given as requested.

The October meeting was the annual general meeting when CWA welcomed the group president Mrs Liz Menz, who informed members of activities being undertaken at CWA head office.

Liz then took the chair for the election of office bearers for the coming year, and wished them the best for the coming year. President Mrs Glenda Jarred, secretary Ms Janet MacDonald and treasurer Mrs Ann Davies were elected.

As CWA don’t meet in December, the next meeting on Tuesday November 15 will be the Christmas dinner break up, to be held from 6.30pm.

Members are asked to bring a hand-made Kris Kringle and nonperisha­ble goods for the hamper to be taken to the Gazette in support of those less fortunate than ourselves at Christmas.

Anyone wishing to join will be made most welcome at CWA house, 95 Victoria Street Warragul.

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