Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Neerim holds second place


Neerim District Bowling Club’s Tuesday pennant division two side continues to hold second place on the ladder.

The side played against Moe last Tuesday, winning 100/48.

Elizabeth Hodge (skip), Marion Willis, Dianne Tame and Gerald Winter playing against V. Lawrence’s team. Scores were tied at 20-all at the 22nd end with Neerim going on to win 28/20.

Pat Fraser-Aurisch (skip), Thelma Schroeder, Dot Eastwell and Kevin Aurisch played against S. Alford’s team and were ahead all game to win 40/ 10.

Karren Sheers (skip), Maureen Halligan, Mal Collins and Gerry Engelstad played against C. O’Rielly’s team and, again, led all game to win 32/18.


Division one: Neerim District lost to Traralgon RSL 80/113.

Peter Brooks (skip), Greg King, Karren Sheers and Chris Hogan lost 13/28 against G. Appleyard’s team.

Peter Throup (skip), Julie Adams, Gerry Engelstad and Wes Ellis played against M. Gardiner’s team and lost 20/30.

Neil Adams (skip), Jim Fallon, Trevor Kuhnell and Bruce Mironow lost 21/32 against D. Lukey’s team.

Angus McGillivra­y (skip), Pat Fraser-Aurisch, Gerry Melling and Tony Thornton played against A. Kanavan’s team and won 26/23.

Division four: Neerim District defeated Traralgon 118/84.

Tom Goodwin (skip), Steve Halligan, Greg Bond and Jason Beecroft were ahead most of the game, winning 27/20 against I. Chase’s team.

Mal Collins (skip), Gerald Winter, Jim Schroeder and George Rymer played against W. Pilmore’s team and led all game before scoring a good win 40/16.

Elizabeth Hodge (skip), Brendan Sheers, Thelma Schroeder and Colin McKay were ahead half of the game but lost 21/32 against T. Tognella’s team.

Bill Cook (skip), Russell Meehan, Marion Willis and Kevin Aurisch played against T. Colwell’s team and were ahead most of the game, winning 30/16.

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