Warragul & Drouin Gazette

When did the law change?


Could someone please tell me when the law changed at our roundabout­s because seven drivers in a row on my right failed to give way and went through.

When I did get the chance, the car on my left didn’t stop either.

Thirty six years ago the law stated give way to anyone at the roundabout including cyclists, horses, humans, cats, dogs, birds, zebras and even koalas.

But isn’t it funny, maybe we all shouldn’t give way. That’s the way to teach our kids, but then again half of them do it as well. Great teaching from the parents.

Shane Hall, Warragul

Part of the land was donated by a local family, the Rollos, and when the Yarragon community saw a future need for a larger school residents bought the land for the current school at 65 Loch St so the Department of Education could eventually build a new school.

These are reasons the Yarragon community deserves and has a right to keep the old school site in its hands as a community space through its purchase by Baw Baw Shire Council under the “right of first refusal” process.

The shire has indicated its wish to re-apply to buy the land in order to create a community space that serves the needs of residents.

People can respect the wish of the Yarragon community by lobbying relevant Ministers so that the town can retain one of its prime historical assets. Maria Cafarella, Yarragon Utopia Lodge I find his comments are solely directed at councillor/mayor Joe Gauci when in fact there was more than one person involved in the purchase of Utopia.

In my opinion Mr McLean is a bully and the editor of the Gazette is enabling him to be that bully.

Why are his letters always front and centre with big bold headings, also why was the reply from the Baw Baw Shire in regards to Cr Gauci's response to this bullying (questionin­g if he has a right of reply) printed on page 33?

I say keep it fair and just not this one sided attack on one person regardless of whether we think Utopia Lodge is a good or bad decision stop making it a personal attack . Carolyn Gormon, Drouin

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