Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Rainwater tanks and water recycling totally dependable solutions for water


Want to know ways you can conserve water and save money on your water bill?

Laser Plumbing can design and install a diverse range of rainwater and water recycling systems that are environmen­tally friendly and have significan­t cost savings as well. Rainwater is a free, renewable water supply. You can take advantage of this by having Laser Plumbing install a rainwater system that utilises captured rainwater. Rainwater can be used for a number of household needs including toilet flushing, washing your clothes and gardening. If properly treated or purified it can be used for drinking water too.

We can also install grey water recycling systems which collect used water from the washing machine, shower and bath and recycle it for use in the garden or for flushing toilets. This decreases your need for mains water.

Let us help you with a green solution for your home. Contact Ben Saliba 0403 315 260

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