Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Bicycle safety put to test at Bunyip


Children at Bunyip Primary School tested their bicycle safety skills with an intense four-day program recently.

Students in grades three and four ran a bike safety check on Monday, before taking part in a rotation of activities across the next three days.

The program, which is held once every two years for grade three/four students, teaches children about bike and road safety, as well as develops their riding skills.

Skills taught include riding in a straight line, safe and controlled braking, slow riding, partner riding, weaving, u-turns and spacial awareness of others around them.

The school run a more intense program for its grade five and six students annually, which includes an on-road component and on-road test.

 ??  ?? Oliver Silcock navigates some wet weather conditions.
Oliver Silcock navigates some wet weather conditions.

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