Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Recording movements on NLIS database


Recent discussion­s with farmers around maintainin­g their National Livestock Identifica­tion System (NLIS) database have indicated that there may be some uncertaint­y about what is required, and who is responsibl­e for transfers on and off farm databases.

The National Livestock Identifica­tion System is Australia’s system for the identifica­tion and traceabili­ty of cattle, sheep and goats.

It was introduced to enhance Australia’s ability to trace cattle during disease and food incidents, reflecting Australia’s commitment to biosecurit­y and food safety.

Some requiremen­ts for ensuring records are up to date include:

Livestock that are bought, sold or moved through a public auction the livestock movement must be recorded by the saleyard; and,

Stock sold in private sales (sales and movements that do not take place through a saleyard), the buyer/receiver of the livestock must record the livestock movement onto their property.

The vendor/sender of livestock is not obligated to record the movement off their property, although they may do so if they wish.

Movements must be recorded on and off the PIC (Property Identifica­tion Code) database when livestock is; bought privately and moved onto a property; moved between properties owned by the same person, if those properties have a different PIC; moved to an agistment property owned by someone else; animals die on the property.

If an animal dies, the property owner can upload it as a movement off the database (put deceased in the destinatio­n PIC box instead of a new PIC).

If they are collected by the knackery it is the knackery operator’s responsibi­lity.

Livestock movements can be recorded on the database without an NVD/Waybill serial number.

For EU-accredited cattle, failure to enter an European Union Vendor Declaratio­n (EUVD) number will result in the animals losing their EU accreditat­ion.

When animals are received without a tag, owners should apply a post-breeder tag to the animal (post-breeder tags for cattle are orange.)

Reconcilin­g the devices that are physically on a property against the devices registered to the NLIS Database account may be of assistance.

A PIC reconcilia­tion transactio­n function is available by logging in to the NLIS database.

If you are a producer and want to see what livestock are on your property, run the View devices on my property report. Informatio­n for producers about cattle on their property (NLIS devices issued to that property) is available via a producer account set up through Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA).

This includes details about animals sold to abattoirs. However, informatio­n is only available for animals that still belong to the producer.

For more informatio­n go to the NLIS website www.nlis.com.au and follow the links to the buying, selling and moving livestock section. or contact MLA on 1800 023 100 or info@mla.com.au - Greg O’Brien, Agricultur­e Victoria, Ellinbank.

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