Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Humans need nature


I refer to the article on page 15 in the Gazette, dated April 16 regarding the removal of all of a tree's limbs and turning it into a tall stump, retaining hollows for habitat purposes. How distressin­g to see.

Pursuant to this, the developers of 60 Warragul-Korumburra Road, are proposing to completely remove more than a dozen mature eucalypts to make way for a residentia­l estate that plans to cram 13 dwellings per hectare.

The Melbourne Planning Authority's Precinct Structure Plan dated September 2014, proposed a land budget of only 11 dwellings per hectare, and states that “central to the vision is the notion of 'country feel' and vital to its expression is that the countrysid­e - open valleys, rolling hills, and trees - remains part of and visible from the town."

The developer states that “the scattered trees are reaching the end of their useful life expectancy and not worthy of retention within the public domain." I'd like to have two independen­t arborists confirm this.

These 12 supposedly unworthy trees are habitat for many creatures and should be preserved. It's time we all realise that humans are not the only creatures that live on this earth, and developers are not the only ones who should have a say in how our beautiful area is being changed. The developers and our shire have the chance to do it well ...... so why aren't they?

Nature does not need humans, but humans need nature. Robyn Banner, Warragul

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