Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Gender change


The State Government’s gender conversion therapy bill now before parliament seeks to make it a criminal offence for anyone to attempt to dissuade a person from exploring or pursuing a change of gender.

Let’s consider Sally and Steve for a moment. Sally got so keen on this boy Paul that she wanted to marry him. She consulted with parents and friends, and despite their cautions went ahead, into an abusive relationsh­ip, from which she later escaped, seeing that she had made an awful mistake.

Her family and workmates, a counsellor and a minister all helped her through this trauma, and she is now happily with a new partner and two children.

Younger brother Steve was encouraged at primary school to explore alternativ­e gender lifestyles as part of the Safe Schools program. His interest was such that his parents were concerned, but neither they nor anyone else were allowed to in any way discourage him.

They appealed to authoritie­s but no one was allowed to do anything. He actually decided to take puberty blockers, but as he pursued secondary school he felt increasing­ly uneasy about his flirtation with gender change.

He wanted to stop, and sought counsel from the school and the school doctor, but they were not allowed to discourage him from his new lifestyle.

His distraught parents, seeing his misery, could do nothing without breaking the law and suffering extreme penalties. Unlike his sister, the government had decreed that he could not go back. He was not allowed to reverse his childhood decision.

This bill represents the government’s perverse decision to promote gender change at all costs, even though it denies people the freedom to reverse decisions they have made, a denial which must condemn many to a shattered life.

They do so even though it flies directly in the face of their own gender fluidity agenda. This is wicked legislatio­n. I agree with what is spoken of in Isaiah 5: 20, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness,.”

How can we vote for such a government? I urge us as Victorians to wake up. Lord God, have mercy on Victoria.

K Gillam Drouin

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