Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Reboot yourself with comedy stage skills


Was your new year’s resolution to step outside your comfort zone?

West Gippsland Arts Centre will get back “to normal” with something completely new – “Baw Baw Rebooted”.

Under the guidance of comedian, actor and writer Damian Callinan, the centre will produce a comedy revue that looks to reimagine the facts, fiction and fantasy of our shire’s past, present and future.

With funding support gained through the Victorian Associatio­n of Performing Arts Centres (VAPAC), the venue will host a performing artist in residence over January and February.

The project will not only offer our community a chance to get inside the world of comedy writing, but also to play a part in performing the scripts they come up with.

Lead artist Damian Callinan is no stranger to community engagement and Baw Baw audiences, having visited the arts centre with many of his shows including “Swing Man” in 2018, “Wine Bluffs” in 2019 and his solo show “The Merger” which was later adapted into an award-winning feature film.

Local participan­ts will be able to work on scripting a comedy revue style show that showcases everything that is wonderful, crazy, unique, historical, hysterical and (plain) special about Baw Baw Shire. At the end of the process, the show will be presented to the wider community to help get us all back “to normal”.

“Did you peak on stage as a donkey in the school nativity?” Damien asked. “Are your zingers getting labelled ‘dad jokes’ by an unapprecia­tive, captive audience? Are your dance moves failing to get traction on TikTok?”

“Was your COVID resolution to do something outside your comfort zone?

“We’re looking for enthusiast­ic volunteers to help us to reinvigora­te our community life with a laugh or two.”

Damian is keen to guide participan­ts in creating a multi-faceted stage show featuring live and filmed sketches, stunts, parodies, songs and whatever else emerges from the workshop and rehearsal process.

If this has piqued your curiosity and you’d like to find out more, register your interest at wgac.com.au or call 5624 2456.

A workshop weekend will run on Saturday and Sunday to begin sketching out the main script ideas.

Rehearsal/developmen­t sessions will be scheduled between January 19 and February 6 before the performanc­es of “Baw Baw Rebooted” in mid-February.

 ??  ?? Comedian, actor and writer Damian Callinan will guide locals to produce a comedy revue to reimagine the facts, fiction and fantasy of West Gippsland for a show to run at the West Gippsland Arts Centre.
Comedian, actor and writer Damian Callinan will guide locals to produce a comedy revue to reimagine the facts, fiction and fantasy of West Gippsland for a show to run at the West Gippsland Arts Centre.

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