Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Tips for first timers


Your baby is starting big school and the excitement has been growing. But as the big day looms you and your child may start to feel a little jumpy.

• Normalise those feelings of nervousnes­s. Tell your kids that it’s okay to feel nervous and worried and that these feelings are very normal.

• Talk freely and regularly about starting school.

Prepare early. Make it a dinner-time subject and encourage kids to talk about what they’re feeling. If there’s something particular that they’re nervous about, see if you can get them to talk about it.

• Have an expedition to the shops to buy their school things like stationery, socks, shoes and pencil cases and get them to help you write the list. Make it a fun day out. Let them choose what they want and constantly build up the excitement of getting to use and wear it all.

• Do a dry run. If they’re a bit concerned about the whole process, organise a school day where they get up in the morning, put on their uniform, pack their bags and walk or drive to where school is.

• Eat a packed lunch at home. Some kids worry about accessing their lunches, or maybe aren’t used to bringing lunch from home.

Help them write a list of what they might like in their lunch box, and have a couple of “packed lunch” days beforehand.

• Draw up a school-day schedule. Children love routines and when they start school their usual routine will change. Work with them to write up a daily routine and discuss with them how the day will work.

• Organise a play date. If you know of other children who will be starting with your child, arrange for them to play a couple of times before they start school. Kids will appreciate seeing a familiar face in the school yard that first morning.

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