Warragul & Drouin Gazette

Thieves target post office

- by Yvette Brand

Darnum Post Officer owner PK Jadiya is angry and frustrated after being burgled twice in seven weeks.

When the security system alarm sounded just before midnight last Wednesday night, he made the quick dash from his Yarragon home but was too late.

He arrived to find the front door had been jemmied open and various items stolen.

It was the second time in less than two months that offenders smashed their way into the premises before Christmas and stole a display stand of batteries and other goods.

Aside from the frustratio­n, PK said the ongoing costs to fix windows and now install barriers was unfair on a small business.

The post office has an alarm and security cameras in place, but it has not been enough to deter offenders.

Now, PK will install a 200kg panel of metal bars across the front windows and a 100kg metal gate on the front door, expected to cost almost $3000.

“We are trying to build a business and we are a good business. But now we don’t know what the customers will think and we don’t want to lose them.

“It is very frustratin­g and the cost is unfair. We are spending so much money to secure the place.

“We are working hard, 15 to 16 hours a day and if this keeps going it’s hard for us to keep going.

“We don’t want to have to close because the community will suffer,” he said.

PK has owned the post office for 15 months. His family also runs the Yarragon post office and decided to purchase the Darnum business when the opportunit­y arose.

The post office and adjacent general store have been targeted by offenders several times in recent years.

His security system at the post office has captured images of alleged offenders, often wearing masks and gloves, but the crimes remain unsolved.

PK is hopeful the steel bars and gates will be enough to deter future incidents – “I don’t know what more I can do.”

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