Warragul & Drouin Gazette

2021 kicks off with good rainfall


Most areas of Baw Baw Shire received average or better than average rainfall last month.

However, figures compiled by the Bureau of Meteorolog­y show the amounts of rain recorded fluctuated widely among eight centres in the shire where official recordings were taken.

Mount Baw Baw, which has the highest average for January at 96.5 millimetre­s more than doubled that amount last month with 198 millimetre­s.

The Nilma North weather station recorded the lowest of the eight sites with 56.4 millimetre­s, three millimetre­s above average.

Not much more than a handful of kilometres away Buln Buln received much more, 92.6 millimetre­s compared to its January average of 65.2.

In Warragul the 70.8 millimetre­s was 20 above average.

Jindivick was the only site to fall below average, but by only 2.5 millimetre­s with a total of 72 millimetre­s for the month.

Thorpdale recorded 85.4 millimetre­s, 30 above average, while Erica and Yarragon South both topped the 100 millimetre­s mark in January. Drouin South recorded 11mm.

Erica’s 121 millimetre­s was 42 millimetre­s above its average and Yarragon South, with 101 millimetre­s, almost doubled its average of 54.4 for the month.

Gazette readers reported they had recorded 89.5 millimetre­s at Drouin in January and 71 millimetre­s at Longwarry.

Warragul got more than half, 37.4 millimetre­s of its 70.8 of rain, for the month in the final week.

But it was a big change from last year when only 10.4 millimetre­s fell in January, a month that over the past 115 years has been consistent­ly inconsiste­nt for rain.

Totals have ranged from a “sprinkle” of just 0.8 millimetre­s in 1990 to a high of 169 millimetre­s almost a century ago in 1924.

The Bureau’s statistics for last month show five days reached 30 or more degrees at Nilma North with a high of 36.1 degrees on January 11.

The lowest maximum temperatur­e for the month was 18.9 degrees.

According to the Bureau the next three months are likely to produce near average rainfalls for the region.

February got off to a strong start with more than 40mm already recorded in Warragul. Outer districts such as Ellinbank have received nearly 60mm.

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