Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin


Minority holds city to ransom as council shoots down ILS


A HANDFUL of protesters have convinced city councillor­s, who face an election next year, to reject plans to install a $10 million instrument landing system at Coolangatt­a airport.

The protesters, fearing increased noise levels and reduced property values from a new flight path, yesterday celebrated when just one councillor voted in favour of the ILS.

Gold Coast airport boss David Collins warned internatio­nal airlines could be scared off the city.

THE city’s dream of becoming a major hub for internatio­nal flights may have been dealt a lethal blow, with the city council yesterday rejecting an instrument landing system at Coolangatt­a airport.

Just one councillor – Dawn Crichlow – voted in favour of the system which would allow flights to land in bad weather rather than be diverted to Brisbane.

Gold Coast Airport boss David Collins warned the installati­on of the $10 million system was now at risk and its loss would hit the city hard.

“The ILS is one of a number of things considered by internatio­nal carriers but as they look at coming into the Gold Coast they will factor in the risk of diversions and this can be a negative in the decisionma­king process,” he said.

Diversions cost the Gold Coast $2.5 million a year and affect more than 8000 people, according to council documents.

Since it was announced the ILS would go ahead, there has been opposition from people along a new flight path that would have jets flying over suburbs virtually for the full length of the Coast.

Many residents fear they will be subjected to noise from the aircraft and see a devaluatio­n of property values.

Aviation experts said noise levels at the start of the flight path should be barely noticeable.

Councillor­s arriving at yesterday’s meeting were met by protesters waving placards against the ILS proposal.

Nobby Beach neighbourh­ood watch co-ordinator Sven Puetter said the decision would benefit the city’s 600,000 residents.

“Today’s decision was a great one because the city represents 600,000 people and they are looking after them.

But Cr Crichlow that nega- tive moves by the council against the airport and tourism industry would bite the hand that feeds the Gold Coast.

“This is minority rule we are seeing in action and every time progress happens, people jump the gun and try to speak on behalf of everyone,” she said.

“I am worried we are going to get badmouthed by tourists angry they are getting forced to divert to Brisbane.”

“We are going to end up behind Toowoomba.”

A final decision on the system will be made by Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss later this year.

We are going to end up behind Toowoomba DAWN CRICHLOW

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