Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

Coast cop count OK, says chief

- KIRSTIN PAYNE kirstin.payne@news.com.au

POLICE numbers on the Gold Coast do not need a boost, according to the state’s Police Commission­er.

In the State estimates hearing yesterday Commission­er Katarina Carroll was quizzed on Gold Coast police numbers following months of calls for more police, particular­ly in the booming northern suburbs.

Ms Carroll told the hearing levels were adequate to address organised crime in the region.

“I have enough police officers on the Gold Coast in my view, organised crime is part of their duty on the Gold Coast,” Ms Carroll said.

“We have found the legislatio­n has been quite effective targeting serious and organised crime organisati­ons including fraud and child sex rings. I do believe I have enough police on the Gold Coast that is heavily supported by state crime command.”

The hearings also revealed that the Queensland Police force has not reissued any consorting notices since they were challenged in Southport Court by Harley Barbaro.

Barbaro, an accused Villains gang member, was last month found not guilty of habitually consorting after it was found the warning notice issued to him by police was invalid.

The decision has since been challenged by Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath who wants the Court of Appeal to decide if warning notices for habitual consorting must be provided for each recognised offender.

Assistant Commission­er Brian Codd said the police service was waiting on the result of the appeal before acting.

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