Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin


The coronaviru­s pandemic is prompting a rethink on jobs for many Australian­s. reports.


ONE in six Australian­s are planning a career change post-pandemic to make the jump into a completely different field.

Whether spurred by job insecurity or the discovery of a new skill during isolation, ING’s Future Focus research found 35 per cent of surveyed Australian­s wanted a new job after COVID-19, and 17 per cent were rethinking their career path.

ING retail banking head Melanie Evans says many people are “clearly anxious” about the current situation, while others have had time to think about whether their current job gives them purpose and meaning.

“At the end of the day, it’s Australian­s realising the new norm is not what it was three or six or 12 months ago,” she says.

“We are a resourcefu­l bunch and we look at practical ways of taking control and taking pragmatic steps to do something about it.”

Nvoi group chief executive and JXT managing director Raife Watson says now is the “best time” to be exploring a career change.

“There is only so much running in a park and Netflix bingeing you can do – maybe take this time to think about your career,” he says.

The former Adzuna chief executive believes all hospitalit­y and retail workers should be considerin­g a new field as their jobs will be insecure, even into the future.

“If I was in hospitalit­y or retail and could do a different job, I might try for a health career,” he says.

He recommends career changers seeking job security set their sights on work in health and aged care, the public sector, informatio­n technology, logistics or constructi­on.

NEW PATHWAY: Internatio­nal flight attendant Catherine Pearson has now found work in the aged care industry since being temporaril­y stood down because of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

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