Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

WORLD ‘Take back the city’

Trump issues ultimatum as activists occupy neighbourh­ood


FEARS are growing in the US that extreme protesters have been emboldened to “take over” American cities after police allowed them to close off six blocks in the centre of Seattle with barricades and armed guards.

The city’s police force said yesterday they had received reports the protesters inside the so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone were shak@JayInslee ing down businesses in the area, demanding they pay “fees” to operate. Local residents are also being “frisked” at armed checkpoint­s.

US President Donald Trump demanded political leaders in Washington State and Seattle reclaim the “zone” – or he would do it himself.

It came as more than a dozen Minneapoli­s police officers denounced the former cop charged with killing George Floyd and said they were prepared to embrace “change, reform and rebuilding”.

The 14 officers wrote a letter that was posted on the website of the Minneapoli­s StarTribun­e newspaper.

“We wholeheart­edly condemn Derek Chauvin,” the officers said in the letter.

“Like us, Derek Chauvin took an oath to hold the sanctity of life most precious. Derek Chauvin failed as a human and stripped George Floyd of his dignity and life. This is not who we are.”

Meanwhile, Mr Trump referred to the Seattle protesters in tweets as “domestic terrorists” and gave Washington State Governor Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan an ultimatum.

“Radical Left

Governor and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before,” Trump wrote.

“Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped [sic] IMMEDIATEL­Y. MOVE FAST!”

Governor Inslee said he hadn’t heard of the takeover.

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