Weekend Gold Coast Bulletin

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Remember all those Covid rules? Social distancing, paper or cloth masks, lockdowns, etc? It’s now being admitted that all of that was made up. It wasn’t based on science. We “conspiracy theorists” were right all along. You Covid Nazis may apologise now. JS

This is for Mr. Tom Tate the rate payers and mortgage payers of the Gold Coast can not afford to pay for all your pet projects it is now time to stop light rail no further than Burleigh. Families are only just surviving some are not.this is not the time to spend up large. Cut the cloth to suit the pocket. Oldie.

In reply to getting rid of cash at the races, they will probably get rid of the bookies or do what they are going to do at casino put your betting money on a card. The powers that be want to know everything.

Fast forwarding building stage 4 of the light rail is not going to reduce the cost estimate enough to make a real difference. And if cost blowouts for other major infrastruc­ture projects from Snowy 2 to Cross River Rail are anything to go by, any cost estimates will be way below the actual cost.

Re Tim Blair’s opinion piece on atomic fear. Being unafraid of nuclear power stations is not going to make them any cheaper or timely to build. It’s not going to get private developers to put their hands in their own pockets and it’s not going to help proponents come up with a safe way to store nuclear waste with a half life of thousands of years.

If groceries, energy, rents etc have all increased between 10 and 30% how come inflation is supposed to be under 4%. Can someone explain? Zab

A daytime solar power glut could be harnessed and used, instead of posing technical issues through being fed back into the grid. Government subsidies would lead to a boom in homeowners purchasing storage batteries, lowering carbon emissions and reducing electricit­y bills for consumers. Why is the obvious answer so hard for government­s to understand? C’mon there’s lots of votes in it.

Reckon bee-keepers, gardeners & honey-lovers bellyachin­g about no supply, are the only one’s giving a hoot about near total bee population having to be euthanised, due to some random “germ, bug or whatever? Good news! 3 bees spotted enjoying whatever nectar, 100 planted sunflowers are providing! Best if kids learn more about amazing nature eh, rather than being 100% BOMBARDED with violence, sex & total rubbish on offer these days on “internet.”

How about we devise a way for an obnoxious gas of some sort to fill a stolen car and automatic locking doors to teach the a- holes that they should be punished (unlike magistrate­s). Yet to be visited by these maggots but am prepared to spoil their party when it does eventually become reality. Surprises galore await. Senior V.

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