Wheels (Australia)




What does the future of Supercars look like without the Ford vs Holden rivalry it was founded on?

SUPERCARS IS CAUGHT in a perfect storm of events that is likely to wreak unpreceden­ted change, if not havoc, at a time when the future has never been more uncertain.

Holden’s demise was the unexpected developmen­t, with the announceme­nt coming just as two deals critical to Supercars’ outlook were being negotiated. One is the new broadcast rights agreement that will underpin finances for the next several years, and the other is the looming sale of the business.

As well, Supercars is trying to work out what the next generation of V8 racers will look like – literally and figurative­ly – from 2022, seeking to attract new manufactur­ers and institute much-needed cost reductions.

With all this going on, the timing of the news that Holden will be gone by the end of the year couldn’t have been worse, if only from a perception point of view. Supercars was prepared for life after the Commodore, a staple of Australian touring car racing since 1980, but not an automotive landscape without a significan­t General Motors presence.

On the surface, it’s like Formula 1 without Ferrari, or the AFL without Collingwoo­d.

Replacing the Commodore with the Chevrolet Camaro to compete against the Ford Mustang was always part of the plan for Gen3, the coming major rules overhaul aimed at making it easier and cheaper for manufactur­ers – and teams – to compete with a wider range of two-door body shapes.

Originally, Gen3 was to be an evolution of the current Gen2 rules, which themselves were an extension of the game-changing 2013 Car of the Future regulation­s.

While Gen2 enabled the return of the Mustang to local topline touring car racing – and with it Ford’s limited comeback in terms of factory backing – neither new manufactur­ers nor different engine configurat­ions were enticed. For Gen3, Supercars is again open to accepting non-V8s and even looking at hybrid technology, though not immediatel­y.

The other problem with Gen2 is that fitting a low-line twodoor body shape onto the Supercars control chassis, designed for four-door sedans, produced the mutated Mustang. Despite every recent race car being cut and shut to fit the late 1990s-based chassis dimensions, Supercars always closely resembled the donor road cars.

The Mustang racer is obviously odd-looking, and Walkinshaw Andretti United – formerly Holden’s factory team – gave up on developing a Supercars Camaro because it would have looked unacceptab­ly awkward.

WAU was hyper-mindful of racing a deformed Camaro because its HSV affiliate imports and ‘re-manufactur­es’ Chevy’s Mustang rival. HSV will almost certainly transform into the GM Specialty Vehicles entity mentioned as the make’s future presence in Australia and, with backing from Detroit, will want to change from Commodore to Camaro in Supercars.

Also to be considered is that, unlike the Mustang, the future of the Camaro as a road car is uncertain beyond 2023/24. A newgenerat­ion Mustang, presumably to still be made in right-hand drive, is due in late 2021, in time for its shape to be adapted more proportion­ately to the Gen3 rules. Ford Australia and Ford Performanc­e in the US are interested in continuing their involvemen­t in Supercars, but only if there is viable competitio­n – be it red or otherwise.

Amid this turmoil and uncertaint­y, Supercars management has to ensure the sport’s financial future and resolve its ownership. The former is fundamenta­l to both.

Supercars chief executive officer Sean Seamer, who took over from now Seven West Media boss James Warburton in early

2018, is facing his biggest test in securing a new broadcast media rights deal from next year. The existing agreement with Fox Sports and Channel 10 was worth $241 million over six years, but industry experts say Supercars will be lucky to match that, much less get an increase.

The teams are crucial to any discussion about the future of Supercars because most are on the edge, either barely surviving or relying on subsidies from their owners.

Further complicati­ng matters is Supercars’ ownership.

Private equity investor Archer Capital bought the series in

2012 and, by all accounts, did its dough. However, Archer has held on because Supercars was part of a basket of investment­s – including fast food chain Red Rooster – that overall have made the fund a fat profit.

But Archer has signalled for some time that it wants to get out of Supercars and, with the property’s value at an all-time low, predatory buyers are circling. Two bidders (see breakout) are in the race and will either wait until the new broadcast deal is done, defining the sport’s value, or strike early for a bargain.

So you can see why, even aside from sorting the new rules, Supercars management has a lot on its plate.

This background, while tedious, is relevant. Supercars has lost four manufactur­ers in the past five years: Mercedes-AMG, Volvo, Nissan and now Holden. While Supercars chiefs proclaim “There is no crisis”, Holden’s impending demise has focused – if not hastened – attention on Gen3.

Wheels gathered Supercars supremo Seamer and WAU team boss Ryan Walkinshaw in the wake of the Holden announceme­nt at the Adelaide 500. It was early days after the bombshell announceme­nt, but both had strong views on the future.

Not so long ago, Supercars racing without Holden would have been unthinkabl­e. Now it’s inevitable.

“It’s something that we knew was a possibilit­y,” Seamer said. “We were planning for a future without the Commodore from late last year.

“The ramificati­ons for us is a focusing of the collective mind up and down pit lane. I think you’re seeing a lot of unity from the team owners and from management, and some focus and some direction on a path that we knew we were going to have to tread, with some discussion­s about timing.”

Seamer rejected the notion that the departure of the sport’s biggest and most enduring brand is a crisis.

“I understand that there are people who might like to turn it into that, but the reality is that we knew that we were going to be working in a world post-Commodore. We also have a lot

“We’re not hung up on cylinder numbers. What we are hung up on is whether it’s entertaini­ng or not” SEAN SEAMER – SUPERCARS CEO

“We don’t need to have all this heavy engineerin­g that goes on, because the fans don’t give a shit” RYAN WALKINSHAW – WAU TEAM BOSS

of people that are very, very experience­d in the automotive industry, and none of us is naïve enough to think that the dynamism and the volatility that you see in the global automotive market wouldn’t have an impact on us.

“We know what’s going on, we’re not naïve, and I think that we’ll navigate the next three to five years perfectly because of all of that experience.”

Walkinshaw says: “I like to look at every challenge as an opportunit­y. People will focus in the short-term on the disappoint­ment that the Holden brand won’t be here, but I think that there’s a lot of opportunit­y that presents itself for Supercars in re-evaluating who were are, what we do and what our product is, and a lot of that evaluation was already going on with Gen3.”

On specifics, Seamer says it’s too early to judge the impact of Holden’s demise, and the loss of large sedans, on Gen3.

“Obviously, we’re moving as quickly as we can to go through an assessment of that, but we’re not going to make a kneejerk decision,” he declared. “This is a big, complex ecosystem, and decisions such as this need to be very thoroughly thought through. Even with the best intentions, if you rush a decision and don’t think it through properly, you don’t consider the follow-on impacts.”

Seamer confirmed that modifying the control chassis to more easily accommodat­e the Camaro, for example, was always on the cards.

“A new chassis was always part of the Gen3 plans, and that’s something that we’ll look at,” he said. “But it’s still too early to make any proclamati­ons about that.”

Walkinshaw was reluctant to comment on efforts to bring forward rule changes to facilitate the Camaro’s entry as soon as next year, although he did admit that WAU was in discussion­s with non-GM makes.

“I know you’re trying to push the Camaro thing as a key point, but from our perspectiv­e we’re going to wait and work with Supercars to ensure that any changes we have to the chassis are done the right way, and whether that’s for 2021 or 2022 is yet to be seen,” he said. “We’re investigat­ing a variety of different body shapes and have been in discussion­s with several different manufactur­ers for the future.”

Seamer confirmed that Supercars’ future would continue to be “fast, loud and proud”.

“Our number one priority is making sure that whatever we do, whatever we’re racing, we’re doing it the right way, that we’re doing it in an entertaini­ng way, that we’re still putting on the best show in town.

“Like any business, you have to think about who your end consumer is, and we don’t want to get too caught up in the product right now and lose sight of the consumer.”

Seamer maintained that, while V8s were the core of Supercars, the Gen3 rules would have to consider allowing other engines.

“The foundation is fast, loud and close,” Seamer said.

“There are some negative connotatio­ns around different types of engines because it’s perceived that they’re not going to be entertaini­ng, but they can be, and I think we’ve seen that in other eras.”

He also confirmed that Supercars was looking at adding hybrid electric assistance, but only as a “fast follower” to technology being developed by the British Touring Car Championsh­ip this year and NASCAR for 2021.

“We look at what all the other series are doing around the world,” Seamer explained. “Let’s not get hung up on cylinders. What I’m saying is that the DNA of being fast, loud, in your face and good visceral entertainm­ent will remain, irrespecti­ve of what’s in the front of the cars. We’re not hung up on cylinder numbers. What we are hung up on is whether it’s entertaini­ng or not.”

According to Walkinshaw, cost cutting and simplifyin­g homologati­on of body shapes is fundamenta­l to the future of Supercars, which has prospered for more than 20 years.

“I think there is a lot of opportunit­y to reduce costs,” Walkinshaw said. “There’s a lot of low-hanging fruit we’ve already removed, but there’s still some big low-hanging fruit that we can focus on for Gen3.

“Frankly, in my view the cars are too expensive, they are overcompli­cated for what we need. All that extra expense doesn’t make one iota of difference to the interest from the fans.

“As I’ve been saying for a long time, remove all the funky stuff and just have good, exciting, loud cars that go racing. We don’t need to have all this heavy engineerin­g that goes on, because the fans don’t give a shit, they really don’t. They want to watch their favourite drivers go around and have close racing at some of the best sporting events in the country. That’s what we provide, so why do we need to have all the complexity we currently have in these cars?

“Let’s take Gen3 as an opportunit­y to remove as much cost and complexity as possible.”

Getting Toyota involved is the Holy Grail of Supercars’ ambition, which is why Gen3 will facilitate the tiny two-seater Supra’s dimensions, along with abandoning the requiremen­t for four seats.

“I don’t think we’d stretch the rules,” Seamer said. “I think that in Gen3, you include the opportunit­y – or maximise the opportunit­y – for as many different relevant shapes, based on what a manufactur­er wants to do. There’s been a lot of conversati­on around two-door performanc­e cars because there is a market between $80,000 and $150,000 that’s relatedly affordable. They’re attainable and they’re also aspiration­al.

“Now, we’re not talking about Ferraris and all the rest of it, but I can aspire to owning a Mustang or a Camaro or a Supra or even an AMG C63 or a BMW M4, whatever it might be in that attainable performanc­e car market. In the conversati­ons that we have with manufactur­ers, we see longevity in that platform.”

Supercars is at a crossroads. History versus relevance. Once broadcast rights and ownership are resolved, the technical rules – and what they allow – will determine the future of arguably the best touring car racing championsh­ip in the world.

These are big stakes for what, in global terms, is a small series in a marginalis­ed market.

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