Kym Herjavec

Kym Herjavec is ‘feeling great,’ with twins about to arrive


THREE YEARS AGO, BALLROOM DANCE PRO Kym Johnson was ready to sell her Los Angeles house to move back to Sydney. “I thought I had finished Dancing with the Stars in the States, and then they called me back for the big 10th anniversar­y show,” she tells WHO, “and that’s when I got Robert.”

Her DWTS partner, US Shark Tank investor Robert Herjavec, became her husband in 2016 and now the couple are expecting twins. “I’ve only got a couple more weeks and I could go at any time now,” says Kym. “I’m feeling great and it’s just very exciting.”

In preparatio­n, the dancer and husband Robert, 55, have just completed work on the nursery in their LA home, complete with native-animal prints so their children “are definitely going to know they’re Australian,” she says. “We’re having a boy and a girl, so it’s pretty gender-neutral how we’ve done it, and I did actually get a chance to come home to Australia when I was about 28 weeks to see all my girlfriend­s. I stocked up on lots of Bonds onesies and all the good Aussie staples I needed to get.”

First-time motherhood at 41 has fulfilled a longtime goal. “I think it’s the most beautiful thing, and I was always hoping that it would happen for me,” says Kym— and meeting Robert later in life “made it even more special to want to have babies together. We’re so blessed it actually happened to us.”

The twins will join Robert’s three children from a previous marriage to make one big happy family. “My mum just arrived from Australia yesterday in case I go a little early,” says Kym, “and we’ll probably come back for Christmas so we can see my nephews and my niece and all my friends. We’ll probably bring the babies back and they’ll be 7 months then—i think it’s probably easier travelling with them when they’re younger and not able to walk around, I guess!”

As for her extended TV family, Kim says she’s had some helpful advice from former Australian Dancing with the Stars judge Todd Mckenney. “He thinks I should call the boy Todd,” she says with a laugh. “Um, I won’t be calling it Todd!” •

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