KRISTY DOUGLAS • WAS 111.5kg • NOW 80kg


At her heaviest weight of just over 111kg, Kristy Douglas, 34, from Drouin, Victoria, often felt embarrasse­d and would get puffed out doing up her shoelaces. “I always felt like I was being judged and laughed at. I was so uncomforta­ble in everyday situations, like eating in front of people. I felt like I was an embarrassm­ent to my daughter. She had kids at school tease her because her mum was fat, which broke my heart.”

During her school years, Douglas was an average kid. “I was never stickthin but not overweight. When I turned 16 I slowly began to gain weight and was quickly a size 16.” Being a smoker didn’t help. “When I quit smoking I put on a lot of weight and it spiralled out of control. I had tried so many diets, which worked but didn’t teach me anything because it was all done for you. I tried shakes, diet pills, prescripti­on pills and a protein diet, but nothing worked or was sustainabl­e until I found Michelle Bridges and 12WBT.”

It’s now two years since Douglas began her journey with 12WBT and her life couldn’t be more different. “I love that 12WBT teaches you how to prepare, shop and cook to help you keep the weight off. It’s easy to eat what someone has already made but that doesn’t teach you anything. I now read the ingredient­s and the nutritiona­l informatio­n on food I’m buying.” She loves the variety of food on 12WBT and enjoys the southern-style chicken with vegies. Despite her BMI indicating she should be 60kg, Douglas was happy to reach 80kg and recently set a new goal of 75kg. “I knew 60kg was too skinny for me,” she says. Happy with her new body and increasing energy, Douglas says some of the biggest contrasts between then and now are:

“I always find time for me now. There are no excuses to skip a workout and I have so much more energy and confidence.” And the icing on the cake? “I’m not embarrasse­d anymore.”

 ??  ?? “I use Google so much! My phone starts with ‘how many calories in…’” Lost 31+KG
“I use Google so much! My phone starts with ‘how many calories in…’” Lost 31+KG
 ??  ?? “I’ve learnt to roughly count calories in my head so when I’m out I know what to steer away from.”
“I’ve learnt to roughly count calories in my head so when I’m out I know what to steer away from.”
 ??  ?? “My biggest struggle was eating out or takeaway night at home, but if you want it bad enough, you can push through it.”
“My biggest struggle was eating out or takeaway night at home, but if you want it bad enough, you can push through it.”
 ??  ?? Even though her weight has stayed the same for a while, Douglas’ measuremen­ts are slowly decreasing. “I think I’m building muscle.”
Even though her weight has stayed the same for a while, Douglas’ measuremen­ts are slowly decreasing. “I think I’m building muscle.”

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