- • By Melissa Field

She’s bringing the style and sass to the boardroom on Celebrity Apprentice Australia, but Martha Kalifatidi­s, who found fame – and partner Michael Brunelli – during the 2019 season of Married at First Sight, believes she’s an acquired taste. “I’m getting mixed reviews from the public,” the 33-year-old social media star, who boasts more than 614,000 followers on Instagram, tells WHO. “I don’t think the public who are watching the show get my humour. Sometimes I can come across as entitled, a little bit bitchy and a bit of a know-it-all. I don’t think people get my dry and sarcastic humour. I can laugh at myself though, you know?”

You mention you’re getting a mixed response from the public, but you must be getting a lot of love, too?

Yes, I am, which is great. I’m also getting so many messages saying, “You’re so funny.” I’m just being me and that’s all I ever am when I’m on screen. In real life, I’m really sassy and straightfo­rward and I’ll, like, say something blunt, but with a smile.

The Veronicas have been very outspoken about what was shown in their edit on Celebrity Apprentice Australia. What’s your take on their comments?

I think for the girls, taking part in the show was different. Their time is precious and their time with their mum [who suffers from a neurologic­al condition] is even more precious. I think the fact they took time away from her to do the show, then felt that the show emphasised drama, rather than why they were there, especially upset them. How has it been watching yourself? I watch the show at home with Michael at the same time as everyone else. It’s really hard. I just sit on the couch, and I’m nervous, sweating and anxious. I can’t eat dinner and I can’t sleep. It would be nice to have a heads-up, but that’s not how reality TV works.

When you saw the first episode, did you worry you were going to be edited as a villain?

In the first episode, when I’m asking for lippie touch ups, I think it looked like I did nothing at all in that challenge. But I was fine with it because it made that episode humorous. If you can’t give the audience a laugh, we might as well be making a documentar­y. I’m happy to have a laugh at my expense.

Because you’re from reality TV and you work as a beauty influencer, do you think you get underestim­ated?

Absolutely, both on this show and in real life. A lot of women who work in beauty are underestim­ated and dismissed, but the beauty industry is insanely

“I get underestim­ated all the time”


lucrative and it’s the only industry where women are routinely paid more than men.

You were rocking a blonde look during filming of the show. Why did you go back to brunette?

Being blonde was so fun but I didn’t get to enjoy it for long, because I had so many comments online and from friends and family telling me it didn’t suit me.

Do you think you’ll branch out of influencin­g and launch a product or business yourself?

Yes, I’m working on my own business, but I’m not presenting anything to the world with my name on it until I’m 100 per cent happy. I’m a perfection­ist. I think the reason Michael and I are so successful since our time on MAFS is that we turn down 99 per cent of the things we’re offered to partner with or work on. I won’t push anything to my followers or audience if I wouldn’t give it to my friends or family. So we’re both prepared to wait for the right opportunit­ies for us to come along.

What are your plans as a couple?

BRUNELLI I see us as a brand together, but we’re also our own separate brands. I’m working as a personal trainer and building up my own business. As for personal plans, we’ve talked about kids and when there will be a real wedding ...

And when will that be?

We get asked this every day on social media and I always say, “You guys will find out, but you’ll be the last to find out!” KALIFATIDI­S Just tell them the date, babe!

You’re not secretly married already are you?

“I think he should leave my ring in a drawer” —KALIFATIDI­S

No, not yet, we’re not that crazy! Our families wouldn’t be happy if we didn’t have a big wedding.

So, do you think that will be soon?

Maybe! He’s got to propose first.

Michael, have you thought about how you’ll propose?

Yes, I have. I know she wants a really casual proposal. No helicopter­s, and no red rose petals spelling out “Marry me!” on the bed, or candlelit walkways.

KALIFATIDI­S No way! I think Michael should just leave the ring in the bottom drawer for me to find and be like, “Babe, here’s your ring, just grab it.” What do you reckon?

Would you dare buy a ring without Martha’s input, Michael?

I’ve got an inkling about what she wants because she drops me hints every couple of days! KALIFATIDI­S No, I don’t, you’re such a liar!

Where do you see yourself in five years, Martha?

I’d love a beautiful home in the city and a holiday house somewhere chill and quaint, too. Hopefully we’ll be running our own successful businesses and we’ll have a kid or two as well. I’ll also have a walk-in wardrobe and my own bathroom!

Celebrity Apprentice Australia airs Sun., 7pm and Mon-Tue., 7.30pm on Nine Network

 ??  ?? “On Celebrity Apprentice,
I wanted my boardroom looks to be super-glam, but in tasks I literally didn’t care,” says Kalifatidi­s.
“On Celebrity Apprentice, I wanted my boardroom looks to be super-glam, but in tasks I literally didn’t care,” says Kalifatidi­s.
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 ??  ?? Kalifatidi­s, who was blonde during filming of Celebrity Apprentice Australia, grew close to The Veronicas and Shaynna Blaze on the show.
Kalifatidi­s, who was blonde during filming of Celebrity Apprentice Australia, grew close to The Veronicas and Shaynna Blaze on the show.
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 ??  ?? Being blonde was fun says the star – until online trolls ruined the experience.
Being blonde was fun says the star – until online trolls ruined the experience.
 ??  ?? With more than 600k Instagram followers, Kalifatidi­s has a huge audience.
With more than 600k Instagram followers, Kalifatidi­s has a huge audience.
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