Woman’s Day (Australia)



ACROSS 1. Monarchist removes hat and turns deep red (7) 5. Large vessel moored in Samoa or Tahiti (5) 8. Keep some portion of salts (5) 9. Bond’s boss went in, mailed translatio­n of Catch-22 (7) 10. Not odd to splurge on boxer (3) 11. End soccer riot with big finish (9) 13. Fits over the French throttle (6) 14. Damage in panel (6) 16. Laboratory worker botches test in CSI (9) 17. Moose will flick only the tails (3) 19. Legendary lamp owner gets a young boy some dinner (7) 21. Unconcerne­d about being left in base (5) 22. Memos on what makes up the score (5) 23. Folded when red aces were played (7) DOWN 1. Move stealthily, like Ivy does (5) 2. Peanuts in placard if I am not up to it (13) 3. Half the large intestine requires punctuatio­n (9) 4. Almost fell asleep, it was silently agreed (6) 5. Ale, they say, is trouble (3) 6. Capitals you can count on (5,8) 7. Medical study reveals a tiny particle. Why? (7) 12. Police officer deceives his dinner companions (9) 13. Feed bear (7) 15. Topic Nicole embraces is “Outdoor Lunch” (6) 18. Massage for free? Danke! (5) 20. Things that are allowed at parties (3)

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