Woman’s Day (Australia)

Time for TEA

Healthy herbal teas will refuel you in more ways than one


Rise & shine

Start the day with a mug of warm water with a shot of apple cider vinegar and pinch of cayenne pepper. It will alkalise the body, boost your metabolism and induce thermogene­sis (the metabolism of fat).


Follow your morning exercise with a warming chai. Full of antioxidan­ts and circulatio­n boosters, it will help your sore muscles recover. TRY Pukka Original Chai $7.95

Breakfast booster

Sip matcha or green tea with your morning meal. Both are packed with the powerful antioxidan­t epigalloca­techin gallate, which improves cognitive function and sets a clear mental path for the day ahead. TRY T2 China Jasmine Loose Leaf Tea $13

Hydration station

Lemon myrtle tea is perfect to sip throughout the day. This pleasant-tasting brew is hydrating and refreshing. TRY T2 Just Lemon Myrtle Loose Leaf Gift Cube $18

Avoid postlunch lag

Heavy lunch? Reach for licorice tea, which supports the digestive process and helps keep your mind sharp as your body processes your food. If you’re not a licorice fan, opt for chamomile or ginger. TRY St Remio Te Digest Tea $5.23

Beat the 3pm blues

Ginseng tea will give you the pep you need to get through the afternoon. A ginsengdan­delion blend will support your liver, too. TRY Tea Tonic Coffee Addict Tea $8.95

Sip for stress relief

As you wind up for the day, sip on something calming like elderberry and echinacea. It also has terrific immuneboos­ting properties. TRY Pukka Elderberry & Echinacea Tea $7.95

Time to chill

Rosehip and ginger are great now. You’ll get a vitamin C boost and it will aid sleep, as your digestive system will have done all its work before you hit the pillow. TRY Nerada Organics Rosehip, Lemongrass & Ginger $5

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