Woman’s Day (Australia)


Our favourite TV doc, And drew Rochford, answers all your questio ons on dieting


Q How important is portion control? Hugely important. Modern processed foods are jammed with energy, which means most of the time we are taking in more calories than we need. The size of a standard meal has also increased. A quick way to counteract that is just eat half as much. Split meals instead of eating them all yourself. Eat off bread plates instead of dinner plates. Any way of reducing the amount you eat will help. Q If I could cut one thing out of my diet to improve my health, what would it be? You can answer this one. If you take a moment to run through your regular diet, I’m sure you can think of one thing, maybe two! It will most likely be that thing you love most, that is your “go to” choice when you need a food pick-me-up. It might be refined sugars, processed carbs (white breads and pastas), alcohol, pastries, soft drinks, pies or burgers, but whatever it is, start simple, set realistic goals and build on your success. Q What is the ideal breakfast for a busyy day? There iss no perfect answer but I loveve eggs. Lots of eggs. Avocado.o. Wholegrain toast. Tomatoes. es. Protein is good. “Good fats” are good, too. Foods that fill you up. It doesn’t have to be gourmet, met, just tasty enough that you’llu’ll be excited about eating itt again tomorrow. Q Iss what I eat importantm­portant for otherher family members,bers, too? Unless your kid is a food prodigy y who can shop and cook for r the entire family, they will ll eat what you provide. They will ll also make food choices based on n what you teach them. Good and nd bad. The nutrition of your kids is your responsibi­lity until they are old enough to forage and hunt for themselves. Research shows nutritiona­l habits are formed in early life, so by setting a good example you not only help them while they are young, you are also helping them when they finally leave home.

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