Woman’s Day (Australia)

Easy nails


Give a salon finish to your nails thanks to tips from Mavala’s national trainer Tracey Winder. She says a successful manicure is down to investing the time in preparatio­n. Follow her easy steps for a fast, polished look...


This step is crucial for creating a great canvas. Remove any excess nail polish and check the state of your cuticles. For overgrown cuticles, apply a cuticle remover and gently push back overgrown cuticles with a hoof stick, resulting in a neat nail contour.

TRY Mavala Cuticle Remover $15.95


Using a quality emery board, shape each nail in long, sweeping curves from side to centre. TRY TBX Emery Board $9.95 TOP TIP “Never file back and forth in a sawing motion as this will heat the nail, fray edges and encourage flaking,” says Tracey.


Your paint job will only be as only as good as the foundation you lay. This means that treatment product and base coat are a both essential for a long-lasting manicure. Apply a nail hardener to protect the nails from peeling and breaking, and a base coat first. When applying colour, use long, even strokes. TOP TIP “Apply nail polish in thin layers – ideally, two layers – as it will dry quicker an and last longer,” T Tracey says. says


Finish off w with a topcoat for extra glo gloss and make sure you us use a fast-drying spray to avo avoid smudging your mani manicure once you you’re finished. Mavala Switzerlan­d Mavadry Spray $21.95

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