Woman’s Day (Australia)

Toby & Darren


What do you think is the key to a successful marriage?

Toby: Listen to each other, remember to laugh with each other, be mindful of your spouse’s dreams and passions, and every now and again put your foot down!

How has life changed since you welcomed twins Harvey and Roxanne in 2013? Do you find it harder to get alone time with one another?

Toby: Time with just each other is harder to come by, and we have to work a bit harder to find those moments when it is just the two of us. But the flip side is that the kids challenge us in ways we never could to each other and bring so many wonderful reminders of perspectiv­e and priorities that are different now than before.

What’s the perfect date night for you guys?

Toby: Darren and I share very similar tastes when it comes to date nights – basically a celebratio­n of having a few hours alone together, without the distractio­ns of work and home, to reconnect with each other is not only awesome but necessary. Our go-to is often a nice sit-down meal, often trying out somewhere we haven’t been before, and enjoying the kind of catch-up that rarely can fit into our day to day.

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