Woman’s Day (Australia)


The couple seem to have fallen for each other in the real world...


When Jessika first laid eyes on Dan, she made her romantic intentions crystal clear. And it seems what Jess wants, Jess gets!

The 26-year-old blonde bombshell – who made a move on Dan, 35, at last week’s dinner party – seems to have been successful in snaring her prey, as the pair enjoyed a romantic getaway together on the Gold Coast late last month.

“If I had a checklist and I handed it to the experts… [Dan] would be ticking every single box,” Jessika admitted on Talking Marriage last week. “When Dan and I started talking, we had a connection straight away.”

While it’s not known whether a full-blown affair between the pair is played out on screens, like Sam and Ines, the new photos obtained by Woman’s Day seem to confirm they have, at the very least, struck up some sort of relationsh­ip post-filming.

The romance will no doubt come as a bitter blow to Jess’ husband Mick, and Dan’s wife Tamara, who tells us she was disgusted by the way Jess made a move on her husband.

“I just think that’s really wrong and it does not align with my morals or character,” she tells Woman’s Day. “Don’t stick around and string your husband along just so you can make eyes with other husbands or touch other husbands under the table. Wait until you get outside. It’s just something that I feel very strongly about – I’m a loyal person, I have morals.”

And if she did develop feelings for another groom, Tamara, 29, says she would have the decency to wait until she left the experiment to pursue anything further.

“I did go on the show to find love and I would always be open to finding a new romance,” she says.

“There are a lot of handsome men in that group of husbands!”

 ??  ?? Jess and Dan hugged, hung out and laughed the whole time. The pair looked to be having the time of their lives.
Jess and Dan hugged, hung out and laughed the whole time. The pair looked to be having the time of their lives.

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