Woman’s Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for MAR 4-10



MAR 21 – APR 20

Don’t race into anything new just yet – more research may be needed. By late March you should have a clearer picture, so ease off the accelerato­r. Meanwhile, chase up a friend who needs your help, or look more deeply into a problem that’s been getting you down. Help awaits!


APR 21 – MAY 21

As your energy increases, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Your actions through the cooler months may surprise more conservati­ve types, but with adventure-seeking Uranus spurring you on, leaving your comfort zone should feel liberating. And for singles, there might be an added incentive!


MAY 22 – JUN 21

Feel the change in the wind? Mercury retrograde­s can feel frustratin­g, but for you, this cosmic go-slow is perfect for researchin­g your next step. Old friends or colleagues should prove especially supportive, so why not do lunch? If your skills need brushing up, start looking into study courses.


JUN 22 – JUL 23

If boredom has been creeping in, social sports like tennis might appeal, along with shared outings, bushwalks or even a weekend away. The pace should accelerate from late March, so enjoy some downtime while you can. Your health – and relationsh­ips – will reap the rewards.


JUL 24 – AUG 23

Been spending up a storm? Celestial help is at hand! Reining in those expenses could become this month’s mission. Why not reassess insurance and legacies as well, then draw up a five-year plan. March’s visionary patterns should produce some inspired ideas.


AUG 24 – SEP 23

It’s time to think outside the box, particular­ly on the health front. As Uranus piques your curiosity, alternativ­e approaches could catch your eye – you might even travel in your quest for knowledge. For couples who’ve fallen into a rut, new pastimes and routines could make a real difference.


SEP 24 – OCT 23

Feeling pressured? As the pace increases, simplifyin­g your routines might be a smart idea – home-delivered meals or groceries may be worth a closer look, along with family friendly hours or new routines. Teamwork is the number one ingredient, so speak up and take a proactive approach.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

It’s all about rediscover­ing joy and passion this year, so couples look for things that get you excited. As Mercury stimulates your creative juices, sticking to boring routines just won’t cut it. Even the kids might be more antsy, so look for ways to inject more fun into everyone’s lives.


NOV 23 – DEC 22

Just when you think everything’s signed and sealed, delays could test your patience. But under the Mercury retrograde, they might be a blessing – better options could pop up, so keep an open mind. As the new moon lights up your home sector, new rules or routines could make a difference.


DEC 23 – JAN 20

Ready to make some repairs? Much of this month will be spent working behind the scenes, turning chaos into order, especially on the health and financial fronts. An eliminatio­n diet could provide a few answers, or a specialist’s appointmen­t might provide fresh insight.


JAN 21 – FEB 19

Your proactive attitude is drawing people towards you – just watch your spending. Budget blowouts could take the gloss off things, particular­ly on the fundraisin­g front. Couples might reconnect as they revisit a much-loved place or pastime, while old faces might pop up out of the blue.

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