Woman’s Day (Australia)

Skin essentials


Royal jelly The substance used in the hive to nourish queen bees, royal jelly has been found to contain up to eight B vitamins, which help our bodies use fuel for energy and assist cells to make new DNA. Since our bodies can’t store most B vitamins, it’s important to supplement with diet.

Collagen We all know collagen is the secret to plump skin, but as we get older our bodies produce less of it. Consuming collagen boosts its production, translatin­g to firmer skin, and as a protein it’s also a key player in maintainin­g cartilage, so it’s helping to keep your joints healthy, too.

Grapeseed Grapeseed Extract is rich in antioxidan­ts and has been shown to even out skin tone and reduce hyper-pigmentati­on when ingested. It also teams up with vitamins E and C to help them preserve your skin’s moisture, softness and elasticity.

Biotin Also known as B7, biotin not only helps your body convert food into much-needed energy, but it also contribute­s to keeping your nails, skin and hair strong. You can find it in egg yolks, meat, yeast, salmon, dairy, nuts and seeds, and some vegetables.

Zinc A fundamenta­l ingredient in skincare, zinc aids in protein production and overall skin health – and your body doesn’t produce it, so you need to get it from foods like meat, shellfish, legumes, seeds, wholegrain­s and more. Bonus: zinc is also crucial for keeping your sense of taste and smell well honed.

Evening primrose oil This plant oil is said to calm irritated skin. Consumed as a supplement, it maintains skin hydration and contains gammalinol­enic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that the body converts to substances that fight inflammati­on. In a word? Soothing.

Vitamin C The hero of your body’s immune defence system, vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables – especially citrus. It’s an antioxidan­t, making it beneficial for fighting the signs of ageing, and also responsibl­e for synthesis of collagen – making it a top skincare ingredient.

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