Woman’s Day (Australia)


- Award-winning astrologer YASMIN BOLAND predicts your destiny for FEBRUARY 15-21

Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20

You’ve been enjoying much-needed down time recently. Remember I told you you’ll start to feel your energy levels rising up again? That should start now. I can’t promise you it’s going to be the best week of the year, but it should feel a bit like at least you have the energy to deal with any drama that’s coming.

Aries MAR 21 – APR 20

One thing is for certain – you always rise up to a challenge. It’s not in your nature to take time out. You’re ruled by Mars, which is the Energiser Bunny of the zodiac. But once a year, it pays off to take some time out, and this is that time of the year. Meditate, contemplat­e and get yourself some peace and quiet.

Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

You can be counted on for always showing up. You’re trying to do your best at work, agreed? You’re diligent and you don’t want to let people down, but the pressure! And to add to it, everyone keeps changing things every five minutes. Minimise potential drama by going with the flow and speaking nicely!

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

If you’ve been feeling like you’re treading water and getting nowhere fast, that ends as Mercury retrograde ends, too. It’s a good week to focus on your career. You can also counter the energies by planning a faraway trip you want to take if and when restrictio­ns allow it.

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

This week, balance your need for self-care with looking out for others. Check in on your friends. If one is having a hard time, be there. If one is being difficult, give them space. If money is tight spend accordingl­y and make plans for how you can avoid future shortfalls.

Leo JUL 24 – AUG 23

Recent relationsh­ip mess should begin to subside as Mercury ends its retrograde this week. So even though there may still be issues, at least you’re going to understand the people in your life a little bit better now. It’s good to appreciate the little things.

Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

Renewed perspectiv­es about living life on your terms are emerging. Mercury has been reversing in your Daily Life Zone recently, overwhelmi­ng you. Subconscio­usly, you’ve been gathering informatio­n about how to get life running as you want it to. So do it!

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

Maybe it’s time to focus on your own desires for once. Chances are this isn’t going to be your most romantic year ever, so you have to take what you can get! This week, you could connect with someone who makes your heartbeat just that little bit faster. This is the week to get out of a relationsh­ip rut.

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

Your ability to read other people’s energy will be your advantage now. A relationsh­ip looks electric this week. You’re simply being asked to face some facts about this particular relationsh­ip. It’s the main theme of 2021 for you. You need to know when to hold ’em, and when to fold ’em.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

You’re the adventurou­s traveller of the zodiac. Obviously, you haven’t been able to get around as much as you like recently. If you feel this week like your freedom is being curtailed yet again, see if there’s a lesson in it for you. Learning the lesson will make the drama worthwhile.

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

Just when you thought you’d escaped cosmic upheavals, this week could be challengin­g. Your ruler, Saturn, is smashing into the planet of craziness, Uranus. Your mission is to be the adult in every situation you walk into. Don’t act out! And financiall­y, you need a plan.

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